I belonged to a poet's club, way back when.  Rhyming and
scanning were forbidden.  I went along with the silly
fashion most of the time -- breaking prose up into dramatic
chunks is *much* easier than writing real verse.

2 April 1995

    Creating an All-Human World

    Mother once warned me
    That it is cruel
    To allow a baby animal
    To fall into the hands of a small child
    For when children love something
    They love it to death

    The league of animal lovers
    Has fallen into the hands of adults
    Who are still the children
    My mother meant

Joy Beeson
http://n3f.home.comcast.net/ -- Writers' Exchange
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where it isn't all that cold,
considering our furnace has been being replaced
for three days.

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