I'm not aware of any customs like this in the area I live in the US ("Mid Atlantic" region - Virginia specifically). What *is* traditional is for children to make (the "old days") or buy valentines to share with all their classmates and friends. Sadly, I think that some schools now have stopped this activity in the interest of cultural sensitivity. But after-school programs and church programs still carry on the tradition.


On 2/1/2011 9:31 AM, Jean Eke wrote:
        ♥ In the 1950s when our Northern Lancashire family moved to Norwich in 
East Anglia, my Mother announced that in these new 'foreign parts'

  Valentine gifts were given to children and both my Brother and Myself 
benefitted,  much to our delight.

However I do not know where the idea had come from and our family custom lapsed 
and I have never heard it from others.

        So I was really excited to see the custom recorded in Parson 
Woodeforde's Diary for February 14th 1777

……….."to 36 children being Valentine's day and what is customary for them to go 
about in these parts this day gave 0. 3. 0 ( 3 shillings )

being one penny apiece to each of them"…………..

Parson Woodforde had been appointed as Rector of the Anglican parish of Weston 
Longeville just outside Norwich and had moved from Oxford

and his family home, of  Ansford in Somerset.

I have been re-reading the diary as part of my study of the late 18th century 
for our Regency booklets.

Do any of you know if this custom survived anywhere else?   Often customs like 
this were taken to America and survived longer there.

Just a thought to warm a rather grey day ………..Spring, in the Northern 
Hemisphere is just around the corner. ♥


http://www.jeanmaryeke.com                           and click on the valentine 

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