Hi All,  DH's computer isn't working right now so I can't easily Google this
soup.  My computer is dial-up!  Anyway, there is a soup served at a chain
restaurant here in the US - The Olive Garden - and I'd love to make it at
home.  I'm not sure how true to Italian cooking they are.

The soup is potatoes, sausage and some greens (spinach? chard?).  The name
starts with Zup....  I think.  It's really good and it would make a nice
dinner soup.  I suppose I could try a few things but I thought one of you
might know what I'm talking about.

Thanks,  Jane in Vermont, USA where it's up to 43o (about 5C)  instead of
the usual February temp of around 20o (-5C).  The snow is melting but things
will be a sheet of ice when it freezes again!

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