Should add that the ***** supermarket isn't the only one to have had horsemeat found in their burgers and ready meals - they were just the first.

Really wish everyone would rein in the horse meat puns!

As a vegetarian I feel I can sit on my moral high-horse and judge all the people who are surprised by their burger contents

Traces of Zebra found in ***** barcodes.

Horse meet in ***** burgers!! Its been in there a furlong time! But HAY ill take it!!

***** are going to have an absolute 'mare' trying to sell the rest of them burgers!

***** burgers. It's an unbridled disaster.

Even after the scandal, burger sales remain stable.

I hope ***** were selling those burgers at hoof price

Anyone know what I can do with the 100 ***** value burgers I've been saddled with?

Is it true about these burgers in *****? Or are people just horsing around?

Horse DNA in ***** burgers? OMG, the end is neigh

What kinda bread goes into ***** burgers? Thorough bred...

Horse meat in burgers? All part of a stable diet.

***** statement off the hoof: They're not going to Shergar-coat it, jockeying for low costs made them forget quality is their mane priority.

If you have been subject to these so called beefburgers,then please go see your GP or get to your local HORSEpital.

Horse meat in a burger? What are the odds on that?

Boy races all heading for ***** garages, their fuel is said to give the car extra horse power.

Those ===== horse burgers were nice, but I prefer My ^^^^ Pony

I think I had ***** Horseburger last night by mistake. Never again. Had terrible night mares.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

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