Hacked, working on sorting it.  Meanwhile having just turned on after  
teaching all day I have 90+ emails, at least 3 times what I'd expect,  so no 
doubt everyone's emailing me to let me know.
Never click on the links in this type of email.  If I ever send things  
people aren't expecting it will have an accompanying explanation.
Please, no-one else email me to tell me.  I've known since this  morning as 
a student received it on her phone.
Thanks, Jacquie

In a message dated 06/07/2015 21:42:26 GMT Summer Time,  
2harv...@tiscali.co.uk writes:

I have  received two emails supposedly from Jacquie Tinch via Arachne lace 
chat and  they  are nothing whatsoever to do with lace just some advert 
stuff I  suspect hacking.

Sent from my iPad

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