. . .  This is part of the reply that I received
*I know they are Bone, But the Americans know Ivory as Bone,and I have been
selling to ebay for 5 years now ,have sold 100s of Bone (IVORY) Bobbins, on
ebay.When I first started putting them up in 1998,Only America Ebay was
online,and was told in no-uncertain terms that Bone was not acceptable as a
word used to describe bone bobbins,(She said to me IVORY is the word you
use)So I do,*

Is this correct, ie that Americans use bone/ivory interchangeably? . . .

Brian from Cooranbong, Australia


No, Brian,

This person is making it up as she goes along.  You will notice that she carefully 
doesn't say WHO told her this incredibly peculiar piece of information (I AM being 
polite!) This is the equivalent of putting up a blurry picture.  It is all totally 
misleading.  There may be a genuine misunderstanding somewhere along the line, but 
having sold hundreds (!!) of bobbins, I think this person is just bilking her buyers.

Ivory is not bone and vice versa.  Ivory is more valuable than bone and more 
restricted now, due to global bans against the trade in ivory.  Ivory objects can only 
be traded if they have provenance to show they are antiques older than the ban.  It is 
illegal to import or sell newer ivory objects.  I think it is funny that this woman is 
touting her wares as ivory; it could get her in deep hot water with the Customs 
people, should they ever take note of her activities.  What will her defense be?  
"They are really bone?"  That does open up a case for fraud, doesn't it?


Patty Dowden

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