Greetings from the West Coast of Canada

I greeted Miriam at the Vancouver International Airport and was so pleased
to have sunny weather for her 4 day visit on the mainland, then continued
good weather for our trip to the Victoria Conference.   We managed to visit
Lenka at one of her busiest times preparing for a truly inspiring high-end
jewellry show in Vancouver.  On travelling to Victoria on the ferry a lot of
interest was received from other world travelers as we busily worked, me on
my Bucks edging and Miriam on her tatting.

We had caught an earlier boat than expected and unfortunately missed
travelling with some of the other lacemakers, however, we took full
advantage and lunched in Sidney by the water before heading on a lovely slow
drive around some of the more scenic routes to Victoria.  After a few small
detours around the campus at Victoria University we easily found the
registration office and moved into our 4 bedroom cluster with Mimi and
Marjorie from the U.S.  Of course, we had a bowl of M&Ms on the table -
great fun and sharing.

On registration we were presented with a hand-made bag of goodies together
with our very special unique name-tag organized by Irene Whitham.  These
were very special as they were made by many of the Victoria and Vancouver
Lower Mainland lacemakers.  It was of particular pleasure to me when
Margaret Merner recognized her creation on my nametag.  The Abbey Hill
Lacemakers are all to be congratulated for their organization of goodies and
tags.  Kathy Kazatkin and Irene Whitham were also busily working on the
registrations.  Thanks to US ladies who made the beautiful heart pin
cushions for us to take home.

The Conference was extremely well-organized, the accommodation was great and
I can't believe how many little treats we received.  Every day we received
something.  Kudos to the Victoria ladies who worked so hard and had such a
successful Conference.  I had a wonderful time looking at everybody's work
during class time break.  Miriam and I both enjoyed our braids and chords
and amulet purse so much.  It was fun and we clicked through about 7
projects in 2 and 1/2 days.  Barbara Birke and Shirley Berlin were great
instructors and came prepared with lots of  materials for us to mix, max and

I didn't meet one person who was unhappy with the classes.  Everybody seemed
to getting what they needed from the instructors.  Oh that Binche and
Flanders with Sally Schoenberg was marvelous.  Some of the work being done
was a definite eye opener for me and I look forward to the day that I feel
accomplished enough to try it.

The Bucks with Julie Nicholls was of huge interest to me and I only wished I
could have taken two courses. Everyone in Josee Poupart's "Leave and
Tallies" commented on the fine finishing points they had learned.  Adele of
our Richmond Area Lacemakers Group took Esther Perry's 's Graavenmoer and
was still happily working away on it at our meeting last Sunday.  We also
had a great lesson on the pronunciation which I definitely needed.

Cathy Belleville's book on Chrysanthemum seemed to be selling out everywhere
and Dianna Steven's commented on the success of sales and the work of her
students and seemed very happy with the Conference.

Margaret Merner gave a marvelous presentation called the Canadiana Costume
Museum Trunk Show. After the presentation we were able to get close-up and
look at so many wonderful old pieces.  Hopefully Margaret can give us a
little summary over the internet on some of the pieces that she has helped
to collect.

The closing BC Clubs Annual Lace Luncheon held in scenic Cadboro Bay and
hosted by the Denman Island and District group was beautifully
served.....hmmmm so good....Salmon, carved meat, beautiful salads (some with
fresh shrimp), condiments,  plates of different cakes, etc. etc.  It was
very yummy!
Again, more treats and door prizes.

The only downside was the fact that I stupidly managed to lock myself out of
my car twice in two days.  The first time we were rescued by a charming
gentleman with wire hanger in hand (donated by Janet) and the second time I
relented and called the Automobile Association.  I'm good now for another 20
years - hopefully.  It is heartwarming to know that chivalry is still alive!

A big thanks needs to go to Bev Walker, Esther Perry, Margaret Merner and
all the many other volunteers on this conference. They did a great job?

After spending a couple of more days in Victoria (where I found all my beads
for my next wire project) with some dear school and work friends, and
Miriam with Janet Goodacre...we joined up again in Victoria and traveled
back on the ferry to Vancouver with more beautiful weather and a smooth

What can I say,  it couldn't have been better and I was sad to send Miriam
off as my husband and I enjoyed her company immensely.  I hope Miriam writes
about her encounters with Otters on her return home - they are such playful
animals and she was really smitten.

My apologies if this has been a long letter but considering my lack of
participation lately I thought you wouldn't mind.  I am sure I have missed
something but perhaps someone else can fill in the missing details.

Maureen Tweedly
Richmond, B.C. (near the Vancouver International Airport)
West Coast of Canada.

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