Yes David knows a lot about bone for bobbins.  His advice is correct
I am sure that members will know that Archers is a specialist bone bobbin

Firstly it is quite difficult to find bone thick enough from modern cattle
as we slaughter them comparatively young.

I go to the "Knackers yard"  I am not sure if that is "international
language"  It is the place where they kill various cattle for the pet food
trade as opposed to human consumption.  Broadly speaking I sort through a
big bin of them (not at all pleasant)

They are so cheap that if I choose wrong and only get one blank from a bone
it does not really matter.

When I get them home I rough cut the bones (NOT to blanks size just the
knobs off the end etc) then I boil them up in a solution of caustic soda and
Nappisan (Is that international language for what is probably only
"bleach"?)  for about four hours, even more if the fat does not seam to have
been removed.

I then bleach them and dry them in the sun (That is easy for us in

I wait about a week then cut what blanks I can from the bones.

I would agree with the Dremel being pretty hopeless for bobbins and also
Bonnie Klein's being a great lathe.  I world like to point out that you can
turn bobbins on a big lathe too.  I alternate between a Carbitech (quite
cheap) as a miniature lathe and my large lathe.  It makes no difference
except I have a register device on my Carbitech.  (ie a thing that clicks in
at different angles which I use for types of decoration)

I have had good success at finding big bones in pet shops, they are a little
more expensive but in the USA they are sold in what I think are Pet
"supermarkets" and the labelling has gradings on them as to size.

I did know what was best but have forgotten.

If you send bone overseas label it  "Sterilized bone for carving" and please
be sure you have cleaned and boiled the bones.  Foot and mouth disease is a
very real problem in many countries.

Brian from Cooranbong, Australia

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