Hi Kenn,
You could have waited until July 1 to mail your entries as Barbara is
using the post mark date as a guide.  She has already confirmed by email
that mine has arrived in Michigan but she is waiting until she has them
all before having a peak at them.  I asked if she was driving to New
Jersey with all these entries to pack in her luggage especially as the
airlines have more restrictions on weight and size of suitcases.
American now charge excess over 40 lbs unless you find a counter clerk
who is in a good mood when we fly.  Course, you  will be driving this
year so not have the worry of how much your lace table and pillows weigh
plus leaving room for the goodies to come home.  Might be a lot of
people with heavy carry on stuff this year.
BTW is anyone local arranging a get together for Arachne members?  I am
not going to offer as  I will be off line for two weeks in July.
I have heard of one more entry Tamara, so that is 5,  but I am wondering
what Patti made in two weeks!  I worked on mine from January to May, a
total of 152 hours, which this year the entry form did not need to
know.  Wish I had noticed that at the beginning and saved my energy
keeping track of hours.
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
A mistake is simply another way of doing things. Katherine Graham
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