> . . .  suitable bones (and I think thorns as well); from what I can remember
without much success.  Perhaps they are now reading this and can recall the
results better than I can.
> Jacquie

Fishbones are 'not in my experience',
but thorns ? Yes, indeed, the 'right'
ones are long - the one I remember
was the length of a five-year-old's
finger - , they are strong, and they
are sharp !!

63 years later I still remember not
being able to pull out a thorn embedded
in almost the exact center of my *heel* -
I'd been running around barefoot and
stepped on the thorn which was attached
to a bit of broken-off branch.

My sister had to pull on the stub of
branch and listen to the wailing while she
'investigated' and the shrieking !! while
she was pulling. But there were some
good things - she was not squeamish,
the thorn stayed attached to the branch
stub, and there were no tetanus germs
or I'd not be here - once the thorn was
out and I'd limped back to the house,
the foot was washed, I was given a cup
of *real* tea ! with milk and sugar as a
reward for 'being brave' - at which, of
course, my sister sneered and rightfully
so - since we'd been far enough away
that the adults hadn't heard the goings-on . . .

Toni in Seattle
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