Apologies for posting again, but perhaps there's a some new
spiders out there who haven't read this:
There's a joy in springtime weather
The garden's all ablaze.
Springtime bulbs and flowering fruit -
So many lovely days.

I love to rise so early
That the sun is rising too
With mug of tea just sit and look
and absorb the glowing view.
Then settle at my lace desk
And let the threads unfold,
Their pattern hidden under pins
Outlined in gimp thread bold.

But summer is a different time
Where here the sun beats down.
The grass turns brown, the flowers wilt
And dust blows through the town.
Then evening is the time for lace
As the sun begins to set.
With cooling breeze upon my face
Day's troubles I forget.

Autumn is a golden time
And full of busy days.
There's leaves to rake and fruit to pick;
Preserves in racks and trays.
I still find time to sit and lace
At my window in the sun;
And treat myself to time alone
When all the work is done.

And when at last the winter comes
Cold winds, and fires are lit
That's the time when lace is queen
And I have time to sit
To make the most of time that's mine
To plan, and read, and sew
To finish lacy projects
I started long ago.

This world still has its beauties
Despite its frantic pace.
Take time to watch the seasons' joys
And take pleasure in your lace!
As yes, it's cold cold winter here, and I'm finishing
a Russian lace lacemaker picture, and a Beds
edge which will enable me to practice my leaves
220 times at least, still 780 to go to make the

Noelene in Cooma
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