Vivienne and all the spiders,

Apologies for not joining this thread earlier but I've been making chutney -
I'm sure you can all smell it from here.

Here you have hit the nail on the head.

For some reason, we lace makers think that to own more patterns than we could
make in a life time is a really good idea.  Apparantly normal women who would
never break the law think nothing of photocopying a pattern and swopping it
with a friend.


I think that the main reasons and our thinking are as follows:

a) Why should I buy a book for £20 or $35 dollars when I only want one
b) But it's out of print and I just HAVE to have that pattern.
c) It doesn't harm anyone.
d) Everyone else does it.

But it does harm someone - the person who designed it, the person who
published it and all of us who want it reprinted but can't get it done because
apparantly there is no call for it because we've all photocopied it.

OK, so when I buy a pattern I always take a copy and prick from that - why?
Because then I don't mess up my original from which I work.  We wouldn't prick
through a page in a book so I wouldn't prick through a single sheet pattern
I've bought.

That's ok.

Legally, I'm allowed to do this as I am doing it for my personal use in order
to make the lace so long as I either keep the copy or destroy it ie I don't
give it to anyone.

However, I am on sticky ground if I give the the single sheet pattern or the
pricking to someone else to work from.  Some lace designers (but certainly not
all) place the caveat on their work that you may give the pricking to a
friend to work from but when it falls to pieces they cannot make another

I know that the traditional way to make a pricking was to prick it from
another pricking and then true it up (if required) and we are all guilty of at
sometime saying to someone -hey give me a copy of that pricking.

I've done it (once - I admit it but I claim ignorance and have never done it
since) and I've been asked on many an occasion when demonstrating - Oh, I love
that - please give me a copy - No bugger off and buy it you cheapskate - that
should be our answer but we smile, pleased that someone loved the piece we
were making and say - Of course, give me your name and address.

Sometimes, I feel like shouting at people - hey it's only 65p including
postage to buy it - are you that poor?

Or are we saying that we want the pattern at any cost so long as it is
nothing.  I want this lace pattern and I am going to make it - it is
wonderful, such
a pretty thing but of course it isn't worth me paying any money for - well,
actually I have paid at least 4p for a photocopy - hey if it's only A4 I can
scan it on my pc and not pay anything - yippee.

Pay for them you cheapskates - if it's beautiful it must be worth the money
or go buy something else.  Am I the only person in the world who has books of
patterns and files of A4 / A3 patterns that I could never make in one life
simply because they are beautiful patterns that I can look at and if I want
to, make?  There must be more people out there like me ... aren't there ...
I'm worried.

So, here's my suggestion - be good bunnies (or frogs if you want) and

a) BUY the pattern because it encourages the designers to design more of

b) Check if it is in copyright before you copy it - if you can't buy it
because it is out of print then some publishers are willing for you to send a
royalty to them to pass onto the designer if they are still alive or to their
estate - IT MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD - when I wanted to copy something (non lace)
teaching in my day job, I contacted the copyright owner who allowed me to do
so long as I gave him credit when I used it and made a donation to charity -
mind you he is a really wonderful guy.

c) Suggest to the publisher that they pre-sell a piece that they want to
republish - say if they get 1/2 to 2/3 of the patterns presold (perhaps 1/2 or
the cost up front and the rest when it's done) which would raise the money to

d) when all else fails, GO MAKE SOMETHING ELSE - it's not the end of the

My love to you all - I'm off to label my chutney


In a message dated 27/08/2003 22:01:05 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Subj: Re: [lace] Miss Channer/enforcement issues
>  Date: 27/08/2003 22:01:05 GMT Standard Time
>  Sent from the Internet
> Any thoughts of "stealing" copies of the mat are dreadful. However annoying
> it may be not being able to get a copy even copying and giving it to your
> friend is illegal. Okay perhaps I feel really strongly about it because
> Biggins
> design and produce patterns which are blatantly copied but it is not morally
> right.
> -
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