1.  Lenka Suchanek makes/sells bobbins for use with wire.  They are the size
of travel bobbins (e.g., a good bit shorter than average) with a metal eye
screwed into the tip.  I haven't used them, so can't comment on them.
However, they are designed specifically for wire.  The others, I believe,
were designed for rayon and metallic threads.

2.  There's a C-shaped all-wood hookie, sold by Biggins.  I know I've seen
them elsewhere, but not sure where (maybe Holly Van Sciver?).  Personally, I
don't like these.  The bobbin is "normal", except instead of a thistle head
there's this large wood C on top--all one piece of wood, mind you, but the
top is carved, not turned.  The gap in the C is big enough that they don't
hold the thread as well as some of the others, and also big enough that they
grab their neighbors' threads more easily than others.  At least for me.

3.  The other all-wood hookie I know of is from Beggar's Lace.  I got a
couple, many years ago, and haven't ordered anything from her so I don't
have a recent catalogue.  These are nice.  The "hook" is a very deep groove
parallel to the two sides of the shaft.  Because it's so deep, they hold
their own thread very well.  And because the point of the hook doesn't stick
out much, they don't grab their neighbors as much as the C style.

4.  I use ones from The Lacemaker.  These have a turned/decorative base,
with a very heavy wire for the shaft and hook.  The wire is about as thick
as (and as stiff as) coathanger wire, but is brass-color.  The hook is
arched over, like a U, so the point is parallel to the shaft but not as deep
nor as narrow a cleft as type 3.  They can be a bit grabby--all hookies
are--but no more so than #3.  And the bases are decorative, which I consider
a plus.  

I don't remember the prices on 1-3, but #4 are USD8 each.  I think the
others aren't any cheaper, because so much of the work is off-lathe carving.

just my not-so-humble opinions,
Robin P.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Judy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 have never made note of the information regarding 'hookies' before because
hadn't needed it, I do now.....Can some kind soul please send me the info on
the vendors who carry them and possibly the size.  

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