This is going back a bit to when 'that mat'  was being discussed, and
mention was made of the book by Christine Springett of prickings from the
works of Misses Sivewright and Pope. I referred to the pricking of the cape
(it was actually 'cope' in the book) and that there was no photograph of the
finished lace. Ruth mentioned: On page 64 of "The Romance of the Lace
Pillow" there is a photo of a section of the pattern - the photo is labelled
"part of a cope".

Not having heard the word before, I'd assumed that a cope was a cape,
probably to go round the shoulders, but I just happened across the word
'cope' this morning, and the definition given is "priest's long cloaklike
vestment". So the pricking isn't for what I thought it was, but that doesn't
make it any less impressive.

Jean in Poole

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