On Wednesday, Dec 3, 2003, at 21:15 US/Eastern, Margot Walker wrote:

Welcome to the newbies. Please don't feel intimidated. No matter how much those of us who've been making lace for years know, there's always another type of lace which we know nothing about. In other words, we may not be newbies to the list, but we're always newbies for one type of lace or another.

I'll second that, but add another "wrinkle"... :)

I've been on the list almost since its inception (joined in June od '95; 2 months after it started), and, in that time, I have identified the lace techniques I'm comfortable with and found one (Milanese) where I feel I might be better than average. But there's never an end to learning; even with Milanese, every now and then a discussion "thread" will pop up which will have a "ply" that's unfamiliar -- and illuminating.

Due to various factors (people subscribing/unsubscribing; old-timers "resting" while "newbies" gain confidence, etc), the very same question can elicit different answers at different times. I've always found *all* the answers interesting, even in the techniques where I'd thought I knew it all and I had no questions to ask :)

It's one of the reasons I've always been a bit leery of the idea of FAQs; while I accept that a lot of people are to shy to "expose" themselves and ask "stupid questions" in public, to my mind questions are likely to stir up something new among the answers, as well as making it quite clear tat there's always more than one answer to any question (more than one way to skin the cat <g>). While FAQs tend lo leave an impression thtat they're *The* answer, chiselled in stone...

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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