Roslyn wrote:
I read this week a filler in the paper that said "all the famous lacemakers
were men."

Hey, I'm fascinated to know that where Roslyn lives they have a newspaper that still needs to use filler! I haven't seen any since the 60s. I used to love those little bits of information! (For those arachnes who are under 30 - filler is little one or two line bits of information that they used to slip into a newspaper column to fill it out to the correct length. Stuff like "a 200 lb man would weigh xxx pounds on the moon" and so on. The need for filler disappeared when presses moved to computerized type.)

So, sadly, we can't argue with this filler because it has probably been handed down in a book of filler lines for 50 years or more. It's like trying to get the Scrabble dictionary people to correct their definition that "tat" means "lacemaking". A lost cause.

North Vancouver, BC
(west coast of Canada)

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