Dear Gentle Spiders,

The following is sent to the list in response to the many messages of support I have 
received about the Convention. It will explain that I did not go off in a sour
grapes mode, and it will save my sending privately to many of you.

I wrote privately to Debra Bender with a copy to Mary Derrick, my friend and the 
Southern Regional Director. This was after I got my IOLI Bulletin and analyzed the
classes, fees, rules, etc.

We heard rumors at last year's convention that the Convention would be a different 
format, but the Board could do nothing according to the Bylaws.  Apparently the
IOLI Convention Committee is in an advisory capacity only,
and only if asked.  I will propose a Bylaw change the next time I go to IOLI
Convention, you can be sure!  We need Convention and Class Guidelines!

I wasn't going to say anything, except personally to my friends. I maintained  that 
Keystone Lacers had the right to set the Convention classes as they wanted, and I
had the right to spend my money elsewhere.

Had Deb not sent the exact same reply to Mary Derrick, I would not have posted her 
message, sent to me, to the list without her permission. However, when I found
that a BCC (blind copy) was sent to Mary, I decided to go to the list.  I know I'll 
get a lot of flak for going to the list but I don't give a rat's tail...

Happily Boycotting,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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