I think I've just got myself into a bit of a mess.  I was asked to give a
short class on lacemaking for a fibre arts symposium in May.  At the time
all I thought about was the prospect of gaining more lacemakers.  Now the
reality has struck, and I'm wondering how the heck I'm going to teach enough
to snare some permanent interest with just 12 hrs tuition?  So far all I've
thought of is pre-winding all but one pair of bobbins (I feel they must know
how to wind a bobbin properly) and perhaps starting with the Springetts
Snake?  Any idea  what's the average length of time that should take for a
beginner?  I was hoping that I'd get that done in the first four hour
session, but now I'm wondering.  Then what do I give? What would be the
ideal length of time for something like this anyway?  Perhaps I'm trying for
the impossible, but I hate to pass up a chance to spread the craft.  Your
thoughts would be welcome.  Sharon

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