I have all the Lace Crafts magazines that were published.  It was a marvelous
quarterly published in Tallahassee, FL by Elaine Sein.  I don't recall why she
quit publishing, but she did ask me to submit an article but I never got around
to it.

The Premier Issue was Winter 1987 and the last one was Fall of 1992.  I
subscribed after I found it on the local news stand and liked it so much that I
bought all the previously published issues.

The last issues, Vol. 5, Nos. 1, 2, & 3 were 8½ inches wide and 14 inches tall
and were labeled *Designs from the Past,* and printed on a beige coarse paper.
They didn't fit in my book case (too tall) and many of the articles were not
complete with pattern working directions stoping in the middle of a sentence.
However, I treasure the magazines and they would be worth bidding on if I didn't
have them.

The newsstand price was USD $5.95 for the Premier Issue and $5.00 for the rest
of them.  The last issues, Designs of the Past, were $3.95.  I don't recall the
subscription price; I got these prices from the covers. This will give you a
comparison.  They're worth more now, I can guarantee.

Usual disclaimers,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Clay Blackwell wrote:

> Does anyone on the list remember this magazine?
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3581971802&category=1140

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