Hi All,  I've loved reading about all the lace people are making!
I am working on a piece of tape lace (Battenberg type) in some
wonderful gold tape.  I've always loved this tape - bright metallic
gold, 5mm or less (under 1/4") and tightly woven.  A couple 
months ago I finally used some and now I'm using it on a piece
I call North Wind.  It's from an old magazine - 1904 I think - and
it was called Passion Flower with three motifs around a center
of linen.  I'm making one motif in gold to wear on my black
t-shirt for the banquet at the IOLI Convention.

It's looking very good.  I've enlarged the small picture of it so it
fits the tape.  I think I can use metallic thread for some of the
fillings but I got some in banana yellow for areas that need 
double Brussels stitch and to knot the metallic thread in other
areas.  Actually it's banana ice cream color (I keep getting
cravings <G>).  I had to think creatively since I want to make
this NOW and so I got Mettler silk-finished cotton sewing 
machine thread 50/3 and it works great.  That's the finest
thread I can get in town. 

I made an NL sampler but haven't stitched much yet.  I will
get to Catherine Barley's book!!  I need to practice the 
corded single Brussels with small diamonds before I can
try the first pattern.  It seems that I'm trying so many new 
stitches and threads that I have to get out the sampler for 
everything I'm doing!  I am getting pretty quick at doing 
that so that's good!  And I love trying new stitches!!

I also need to get back to the courrones.  I took a break 
because we went away for a few days and haven't gotten
back to them.  The butterfly needs to get done before
Convention too because I hope to have kits of the pattern.

I also have a white and ecru NL flower that is waiting to be
finished.  I have been putting away my NL stuff and it's "out
of sight, out of mind".  That doesn't work!

Happy 4th of July and a belated Happy Canada Day to all
who celebrate them!  Jane in Vermont, USA where it got
in the mid-80s for the poor marchers in the parade.


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