On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 12:38:08 -0400, Clay wrote:
>I've not worked with 300 bobbins at a time, but I can tell you how to tame
>your bobbins when you have more than can be accomodated at one time on your
>Since you're working with Midlands bobbins, you're in luck!  The easiest
>way to keep your pillow tidy is to go out to your nearest craft or knitting
>shop and buy a bunch of stitch holders used in knitting to hold knitting
>stitches when you take the knitting off the needle.  They look like very
>large safety pins, and will accomodate 8 - 10 pairs of bobbins when they
>are run through the spangles.  When you gather up your bobbins like this,
>the bundles can be stacked on top of each other on one side of the pillow
>or the other, leaving plenty of space in the center for the bobbins you're
>working.  To figure out how many of these holders you need, count the
>bobbins on your pillow and divide by 16...  for 150 bobbins, I'd buy ten. 
>You can always buy more as you tackle wider projects.

Stitch holders are good, but any pillow only has space for stacking a given
number. Having worked with 300 bobbins at one time on a 24 inch cookie
pillow, I exceeded the stitch holder stacking space available on my pillow.
So I moved on to the next technique - using a lace to tie bundles of bobbins
together.  I thread a lace through the bobbins for one area of the lace, tie
the ends of the lace together so the bobbins are in a bundle, and then swing
them out of the way.  The bundle takes up a lot less space than the same
number of bobbins on stitch holders.  

There are old pictures of Bucks lacemakers with bundles of bobbins tied up
out of the way on their big bolster style pillows, so it's in keeping with
the piece Karisse wants to make. 
And now, the current score... Deep Space 9, Babylon 5
Tatting, lace & stitching page <http://www.sandbenders.demon.co.uk/index.htm>

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