Jane Read <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Instead the shop manager offered me some
>unbanded "disks" of wool. "This is what we use" she said. Now her english
>was a million times better than my icelandic, but our conversation was
>rather broken and I'm not sure that I got the rest of what she said right.
>The disks consist of a single ply of wool that is untwisted, and the
>threads need to be plyed to obtain the weight I need (3ply). I thought she
>said it can be done as I knitted, with the three individual strands drawn
>through the centre of the three disks.

What an odd coincidence!  Jane, I can't answer your question about plying,
but I just returned to the library a book on knitting by Meg Swanson, the
daughter of Elizabeth Zimmerman, who imported, sold, and used these
"plates" of wool roving.  Apparently they knitted from them unspun.  I am
having a bit of brain fog, and can't remember the title of the book!

** Embarrassed report, after trip to library:  the title is (ARGH)

Lynn Carpenter in SW Michigan, USA
alwen at i2k dot com

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