Hi Tamara,
When I first read your request fro Paisley patterns my thoughts went back to an edging I saw in the Exhibition at Northampton a few years ago. There was a most spectacular Paisley Point Ground edging there. I did look in the pattern book they produced but it's not in. Then I remembered that it must have used at least 100 pairs of bobbins, so probably not quite what you wanted. Actually I have just found it in the catalogue which came with the exhibition. It is the Paisley Pear, which someone else has mentioned. It's over 10 inches wide, so we'll say no more.
There are a couple of point ground prickings in the back of the OIDFA Point Ground Lace study book which are vaguely paisley-ish, the ones from Pecna Cipka and Tonder perhaps?
Jean in Cleveland U.K.
On 12 Aug 2004, at 00:26, Tamara P. Duvall wrote:

Gentle Spiders,

I have recently bought a dress - very pretty, and fits well, but with a somewhat too sexy plunge down the front (how come I didn't notice, when I was trying it on, that the bra is apt to peek, when I move?). So I thought to make some lace for it, and kill a whole flock of birds with one stone: the decolletage diminished and softened a bit, some time spent at my pillow on something for fun not for publication, and a chance to wear a piece of hand- and home- made lace...

The fabric of the dress is printed with all kinds of stylised flowers and paisley-like leaves. So I thought the lace edging should pick up on that, especially since I'm very fond of paisleys.

But I've looked and looked, through most of my books, and can't find a suitable pattern... :( I suspect, such a pattern would - likely - be of a more modern vintage, while most of those I have are reproductions/reconstructions of older ones.

Maybe someone here can help. I'm looking for an *existing* pattern (pricking and photo of finished lace; diagram would be nice, but not strictly necessary. I hope <g>) of an edging with a clear paisley/leaf (or feather) shape.

It has to be continuous lace, PG by preference (the fabric is silk georgette; the lace needs to be fine, to match that). Continental PG by double preference, but, I suppose, I can always flip the pricking if someone comes up with a Bucks one (I'm cack-handed at left-hand-side picots).

It has to be fairly simple - 25-35 pairs. I'll need a fair amount of it, and it's not a dress I'd like to wear in my coffin... :)

I want *scallops in the headside*, so please do not suggest insertions, or laces with a picoted but straight edge (why go to the trouble of making picots on a straight edge, anyway? I always change those to insertions, with footsides on both sides <g>). The fat part of a paisley/leaf/feather would make a nice scallop, I'm sure, the skinny part adding interest to the rest...

I've found a few "maybe-s", but they all would need "adjusting", and I'd as soon not; if I had the time and the will to tamper, I might as well try designing from scratch. Years ago, someone sent me a clipping from a magazine, about a Bayeux lacemaker, and the photo had "just the thing" in it, and I loved the pattern. But there was no pricking to it (of course not; it wasn't a *lace* magazine <g>) and, anyway, I can't find it anymore...

Yours, hopeful,
Tamara P Duvall             http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
              Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
    no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.

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