Hi Clay and All,
This bobbin is very similar in shape to one of the bobbins recovered from the 'Batavia' ship wreck off Australia. It was a Dutch ship wrecked off the west coast of Australia in 1629, so the bobbins were older than that. They were featured on an Australian stamp some years ago and Kleinhout make reproductions of them. It would be interesting to see if there is a Dutch connection to this bobbin.
Jean in Cleveland U.K.
On 13 Aug 2004, at 21:56, Clay Blackwell wrote:

 Hello Spiders!

I came across the following on ebay today:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ViewItem&category=114&item=6112829488

Now, I must say I'm VERY skeptical.  (1) 16th century?  says
who??  This is an awfully sophisticated turning for a bobbin
used in an art form which was merely decades old at the
time.  (2) for a "dug" bobbin, the sharp edges of the
turnings are awfully crisp and clean...  (3) dug from
*where*???  this bobbin doesn't look like anything I'm
familiar with from "way back"...

Should we launch an email offensive to the seller???
(devilish vbg).

Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg, VA

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