
Does the thread have a tight Z twist?  (Au ver au soie is Z spun)
If so that is probably the cause of your problem.

Ipswich lace, as part of the point ground family has a lot of half stitch plus extra twists (right-over-left = Z) than crosses (left-over-right = S) which means that all the Z twisting of the pairs is adding to the Z spinning of the thread making it unbalanced. Most linen threads, and some cottons are S spun so the Z spinning of teh pairs 'neutralises' the S spinning of the thread

Try working a length of half stitch "bandage" with this silk thread and another half stitch "bandage" with a similar thickness of S spun thread. Chances are, the silk bandage will curl up but the other one won't.


On 26 Aug 2004, at 22:35, Diane Williams wrote:

I am working on my second piece of Ipswich lace from
my class I took at the IOLI convention.  It is worked
with black silk Au ver a soie(?) but I don't know the
number.  It is very fine.  I worked my first class
piece on a roller pillow and it came off the pillow
looking very nice.  Now I am working my second piece
on a bolster pillow (made to the dimensions of the
originial Ipswich pillows) and still using my Midlands
bobbins that I used on the roller pillow.

My dilemma is this: the lace that I have worked is
very warped as it is unpinned.  It's very bubbly.  My
tension hasn't changed (I don't think), but it is
possible that using the different pillow is putting
different tension on the threads, since the bobbins
hang straight down.  The silk seems very stretchy
compared to linen or cotton that I usually use.  It
may press out just fine, but I've never had this
problem and am wondering if I should continue with the
piece or try to transfer it to another, flatter

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