OK, If it took 10 women, 10 years to make one of those shawls then if you
put that into today and todays pay checks that would mean each shawl cost
how much to make?   Let's see I will give it a guess that women make about
$30,000.00 a year, more or less, times ten is $300,000.00. Right? That times
10 years is $3,000,000.00, right? I can bet that is not what those shawls
and those skirts are going to sell for. I am going to be interested in see
who buys them and for how much. I hope they know how valuable those huge
pieces of lace really are.

Central TX

> I don't know about the rest of you but those pictures of the lace put up
> for
> auction makes me drool. I wonder how long it took to make those wonderful
> Chantilly skirts and how many women worked on them

i was told it took ten lacemakers ten years to make one of those huge 19th
century chantilly shawls ... and each worked  10cmx20cm lengths that were
then put together with an invisible stitch by another specialised worker .
i saw  all this very well explained in the Chantilly museum .
ps. i love Chantilly lace !!!!! and Chantilly cream but that's another
story ...

dominique from Paris .

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