Since I mostly read lace names and rarely discuss them, I tend to say Point as we say it in English. I realize that it is pronounced Pwont in French. How should I pronounce it for the slide show.


I definitely see the problem. Here's the way I do it: If I'm speaking English, and there is an English translation for the French term, I use the English translation. Same in French, if there is a French translation. For example, when speaking in French, I refer to London as Londres. Why? Because otherwise, people just don't seem to understand.

On the other hand, if there is no translation, then I use the original pronounciation, of the other language. If I get lots of blank stares, I stop and explain the term, then keep on using it.

I guess I may be a bit more sensitive to some of this than most, because I'm French Canadian, but live and work in a bilingual society that is mainly English. You have no idea how many times my name can be anglicized in one day, and it gets frustrating. I feel like a keep on repeating myself. My first name is Lise-Aurore, but stop at Lise. Simple. Pronounced like lees. You have no idea how many times I get to say, "No Lise, not Lisa, there is no A at the end". Or, "No Lise, not Liz, it's with an se, not a z at the end". And that's just the first part of the name. Personally, I find that I understand if someone pronounces it wrong if they have only seen it in writing and never heard it, but for people who have heard the pronounciation, then I find it rather insulting when they anglicize it.

So, given all that unnecessary information, I guess I'm suggesting that you use the English translation when possible, and then the French pronounciation when there is no translation. And that should be really good and confusing!!!

in Ottawa, where the sun is shining and the temperature is headin to 29C

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