Hi Jenny, Clay and others who might have seen the pictures of my new lace
stand.  I was able to get the pictures up on the website and then have just
not had the time to sit at the computer to write and explain about it.
Currently my mom is here visiting from Dallas and between showing her the
island, two daughters in high school participating in 4 different sports and
obligations/entertaining with my husband's job, well, the days seem to end
with an unfinished "to do" list. But about the lace pillow stand....
Several months ago I asked the list for ideas, likes and dislikes regarding
a lace pillow stand.  Kenn, particularly was helpful in sending his ideas.
We have a large home here but limited storage space.  I also have a friend
who owns a mill and furniture factory in the Philippines and brings
furniture into Guam regularly-along with some other neat items.  I had
mentioned that I needed a stand to store my pillows on and she told me if I
could draw up what I wanted, then she would have one made.  When I showed
her the drawings and she saw the cabinet on the bottom, (I wanted that for
storage and stability) she mentioned that her cousin is a woodcarver and she
would have him carve a nice design into the doors.  So, we sent the drawings
off and I crossed my fingers that we all had the same ideas for the finished
Last week  the container finally cleared customs and was off-loaded.  I was
holding my breath as it was unwrapped but as you can see from the pictures
it turned out beautifully.  It is slightly bigger than the plans I drew
up-by about 4 inches in depth and width but as it is, even with my largest
pillow on it one can't walk by and bump a pillow off.  I had the top slats
mounted flush with the frame so that I can put multiple items up there.  The
lower shelves have the slats mounted flush with the bottom of the shelf so
it becomes recessed and the pillows sit about an inch down inside the
shelf-can't be pushed off by nosey cats!  The cats checked it all out the
first day and haven't given it a second look, thankfully.
Anyway, that's the story of my stand.  I'm very pleased with it.  It's a bit
more of a major piece of furniture than I had originally envisioned but it's
so pretty that I don't mind.
Now if I can only find time to pull one of the 3 pillows off that have UFOs
on them....
Dona in Asan, Guam
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jenny Barron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 3:05 AM
Subject: [lace] pillow stand

> I was just checking the Arachne webshots site and I saw the loveliest cat
gym I've ever seen <g>. My 2 would love one of those. Check it out
> http://community.webshots.com/album/192030558fuKhCg
> jenny barron
> Scotland
> -
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