Hi Ruth,
I don't have the book you mention but the 2 sections of the hearts form
little pocket when you weave them together. This is hard to explain but see
if you can make any sense of this description!
Lay the 2 sections folded double with the fingers facing each other. Take
the first finger of the right hand section (i.e. the one nearest the middle)
and wrap it round the first finger of the left hand section, then thro' the
2nd finger of the left hand section and round the 3rd (and so on depending
on how may fingers you have in your heart). Take the next finger of the
right section and do the opposite, going thro' where you previously went
round. This is the weaving and if you have done it right, you can finally
open your heart like a pocket. Then you can attach the strap to hang it up.
The Danes use these paper hearts in all kinds of complicated combinations to
decorate their Christmas tree. Originally they were made during a wave of
patriotism after the 1848-50 war against Prussia. They were made in the red
and white colours to symbolise the Danish flag. Try with a paper form first
to get the hang of it.
I have just had a look on the net and try this link. Click on the union jack
and then making a woven Christmas heart!

All the best and keep bobbin' along from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers........

Avril Bayne

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