Normally I'd switch this to chat, but since people on lace have been complaining
about few emails, I figure they won't mind...

On Wed, Nov 17, 2004 at 02:34:46AM -0500, Tamara P. Duvall wrote:
> On Nov 17, 2004, at 1:43, Helene Gannac wrote:
> >You wouldn't catch my DH making Xmas presents, cooking Xmas food or
> >writing Xmas cards
> Hah! I came, I fought, I conquered :)

Yep.  Same here!  I might deal with presents, since I enjoy it, but I'm sure not
writing any cards (neither is Geoffrey, for that matter - some people might get
emails, but that's it...).  And my approach to cooking is shown by the following
conversation between me and Geoffrey, when I was making dinner: 
me: "Want to help?"
Geoffrey: "Not really..."
me: "Want to eat??"
His sister thought it was hilarious. 

> But, "writing at Christmas is a woman's job"??? I'm supposed to send 50 
> copies of a mimeographed blah to people I've never even heard about, 
> but DH thinks we should send a card to at Christmas??? 

I think the more common version of this problem is that the woman actually wants
to send people cards, and the man doesn't care - I know that's what it's like in
my house, which is why mom ends up doing all of the writing, but she only writes
to people she cares about. 

> A culture across 
> the ocean, and 25 yrs age difference - think again... :)  

This is interesting.  Judging by our very small sample of 2 Poles on Arachne,
we're less likely to do typically female things in the house...  Somehow I
suspect that this is related less to *being* Polish and more to having *gotten
out* of Poland <g>.  
I don't really have anything against Poland, but I like the US, or at least the 
piece I'm in, much better...

> Once I 
> started making lace, he'll often ask me to provide  him with cards with 
> the year's ornament (if I managed to come up with one) but, he sends 
> his, and I send mine, and, occasionally, someone gets two of the same, 
> but nobody's complained so far, since they're not in fiftyplicate as to 
> text...

Now here's an amusing random idea: how would this system work applied to wedding
invitations? <g>.  Me and Geoffrey are going to have to send a bunch this
year... It would be pretty amusing for people to get these in duplicate. 

This whole wedding thing is so complicated...  Especially with me trying to get
rid of as many traditional elements as possible (nice quote from a friend of
mine, also getting married this year: "my father will give me away the day he 
can show reciepts for having bought me in the first place" <g>).  


            Weronika Patena
        Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA

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