I've had mixed luck with sending/receiving packages from the UK and environs, but it's usually not to bad for stuff coming, what, 7000 miles? I've mostly shipped books, so my experience may be a bit biased, but the shipping time has averaged between a week and three weeks. Quickest was a hug box of books from the Royal Irish Academy, and slowest was a slender volume on shetland lace (see? obligatory lace content! ;o), but I suspect that with the latter, there was the waiting for things to clear with my funds, so no biggy. And heck, the huge boxes of books I had shipped home when I was over there on vacation in 2002 actually beat me home! (and I was shipping from a fairly small town)
I like to think the wait and the anticipation are part of the fun, or at the very least, part of the learning process I occasionally have to go through when life reminds me to order supplies ahead of time, and not at the last minute.
Just my two pennies' worth!
--sue, on a snowy-but-it's-not-sticking November evening in Montana (USA)

Annette Gill wrote:

<<Pipers silk is being shipped from *UK*, not from US and, currently, they're telling me that the delivery time *within UK* is 21 days (as I'd said in my message). Possibly, there's a problem with the British PO; I wouldn't know, it has not been reported in my newspaper.>>

I think the 21 days being quoted by Pipers includes the possible delay in
sending out the threads. Standard post in Britain, whether first or
second class, doesn't take anywhere near that long. There have been
well-publicised problems with the Royal Mail in the last year or two, but
it usually means that first class post might not get there the next day
(as it's supposed to) and second class post could take several days. (Don't get me started on things going missing completely...)

Pipers don't guarantee to send orders out immediately, though in practice
I've found they usually do.  I think that's why they won't commit
themselves to anything faster than 21 days.

Annette, London (where the post is particularly bad these days)

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