to continue about lace lamps . they're not a myth and here's what is said 
on the website of the Le Puy lace center about what lace makers used to 

*       une petite chaise basse à haut dossier : elle est souvent lÕoeuvre 
du mari de la dentellière
a small high-backed low chair which was very often made by the lacemaker's 
husband. Le Puy is a rural area in the center of France .

*       un tabouret pour reposer ses pieds : petit banc en bois rustique 
lÕhiver par une chaufferette garnie de cendres chaudes.
a stool to put one's feet on : little rustic wooden bench replaced in the 
winter by a foot-warmer
*       un guéridon à 3 pieds sur lequel était posé la boule de verre remplie 
dÕeau qui diffusait et amplifiait la lumière de la lampe à huile sur le 
a three legged  table on which stood a glass bowl filled with water which 
diffused and amplified the light from an oil lamp onto the pillow 
*       une boîte à fuseaux : en bois souvent sculptée au couteau
a bobbin box often sculpted with a knife .

*       une petite corbeille ronde pour contenir fils et ciseaux
a little round basket to put threads and scissors.

*       une demi-aune : règle pour mesurer le travail en dentelle
a ruler to measure the length of the lace . the measure was not a meter but 
an aune or a demi aune (half aune). some of the old ones as beautifully 
sculpted ... and horribly expensive ...

*       un plioir à dentelle en bois autour duquel on met la dentelle pour 
quÕelle ne se froisse pas.
a lace folder : piece of wood , often beautifully sculpted, around which 
you wound the finished lace to prevent it from getting soiled ... and click on la dentelle du 
Puy at the top right hand corner .


dominique from Paris where it's getting really cold . i had to take some of 
my plants indoors and my back is still resenting it  ....       but as i love 
low temps now (where is the time i could spend hours  on a beach in the 
summer without flinching?! ) i am absolutely delighted .         
Isn't having a smoking section in a restaurant like having a peeing section 
in a swimming pool? <anon>

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