Dear Arachnes,

Yesterday I visited the Dutch lace market in Maarn and was very lucky to be able to buy to old Dutch lace books. Ik was looked for them several years ago, but could not get them. Not in a normal bookshop, not in antique bookshop or a shop for second hand books.
And suddenly now I saw the book of Mrs. Van der Meulen-Nulle about duchesse lace in the stand of the LOKK for a very low price. I didn't think very long and bought it right away. Later in the afternoon I saw at another stand the book of Mrs Schutten-Putters. It was not that cheap, but I decided to buy it.
The book of Mrs. Van der Meulen-Nulle was originally published in 1904. She was headmistress of the Lace school in The Hague than, later on she teached on the School For Crafts in Amsterdam. The book, I bought is of the second print in 1924.
The book of Mrs. Schutten-Putters is not dated, but on the front page a name and the 1942 is mentioned. I assumed, this is the first owner. Mrs. Schutten-Putters was director of the lace-association "Het Molenwiekje".

You understand my joy yesterday. I din post it to the dutch list, but forgot about you. Shame on me.

Happy lacing,
Gon Homburg from a cold Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

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