Hi everyone
It's such a long time since we had a raffle and I thought it would be fun to do one at Christmas time.

I had an enquiry asking me where to get the thread used to make the snowman which is on the Lace Guild's Advent calendar, on December 10th. The pattern is online if you click on the picture.

Last year, one of the 5th grade students who had been making lace for
about 10 weeks, with one lesson (90 minutes) before the Christmas holidays
announced that she wanted a snowman to complete in that one lesson! Hence
the simplicity of it! I wound the bobbins for her and she finished the lace
in that lesson.

The Arctic Rays Wispy Fringe thread was bouhgt in the local embroidery shop.
As I say in the instructions it is tufty, but it is also sparkly. The other
thread was bought from local knitter and is just a white sparkly thread
about the thickness of perle 12.

Anyway, I am putting together a kit including thread, beads, ribbon and felt. If you want your name included in the draw please email me (personally not the list) including the words "Christmas snowman raffle" in the subject line, before midnight on Sunday 19th December. I will then mail the pack on Monday morning, so you might get it in time for Christmas, but no guarantees.

For newbies, raffles are entered free and I will pay the postage - more like a present for some lucky person!



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