
What a hoot, way to go girl!

I loved the photos.

Your paragraph regarding your librarian shows what people of impeccable taste, breeding and culture we librarians are!

Jennifer in muggy Brisbane, Au

----- Original Message -----

Subject: [lace] Living Billboard Campaign-readable copy

Helene from Melbourne stated on Dec. 16th that "Rich People and
"cultivated"" people need to be educated about modern lace, and I have answered the call.
I rushed back to New Jersey and was delivering a request for interlibrary
loan to the Livingston Library in my Campaign attire. The librarian who has
been a strong and active ally in my lace book borrowing was very impressed with
the pendant, so I got in another plug for modern lace. She expressed
confidence that the campaign would be successful.

Many thanks to Susan Lambiris who has been kind enough to assist me in
posting my photo journal of the campaign on the community webshots:
( >

who welcomes gifts of modern lace to be exhibited and offers of sponsorship

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