Hi Tamara (and other spiders!)

My car (UK Mini) like T's also locks automatically at 10mph and like T I like the security that it gives. I never have to worry that someone will hop in beside me when I stop at traffic signals etc.
Although I have to say it did worry me initially - what would happen if I were to be involved in a car accident - would it prevent rescuers from getting me out? So I checked this out with the garage who advise if if the car is involved in a accident of significant impact the doors would unlock automatically (at the same time as the airbags are deployed). I sure hope I never get to test it out.

Generally I still don't like to put my handbag or other goodies on the passenger seat - I tend to either stow them in the passenger footwell or behind my seat.

Jill  (Treeves)
@ London Heathrow, where it's another grey day, but fairly warm

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