I completed the Adult and Further Education Teaching qualification several years ago, which I passed, but when it came to receiving my certificate they refused to give it to me until I passed GCSE maths! Apparently I was supposed to have had either this or maths o'level when I enrolled for the course but needless to say no one told me this nor was it listed anywhere in the information I received about the course, they were only too happy to take my money! I did take maths GCSE, what a sham that was - mainly taught myself as the tutor wouldn't teach anyone wanting to take the higher paper as a grade c is all that they required students to achieve, and as I wanted to get at least grade b I had no option- I got an a grade and finally got my teaching certificate but I was rather miffed about it all.

As for the Teaching certificate - well I suppose the good thing about it was that it got me back into studying again - having left school aged 14 and a bit years old with 8 o'levels - it had been sometime since I'd done any academic work, as for the course itself - well the main tutor was too busy trying to ingratiate himself with some of the women in the class, he became known as "Rick the ----" - yep you probably worked that one out. I was very disappointed with the course as it seemed nobody really bothered to read any of the essays we had to write, my work was submitted to the moderator for assessment (at further expense to me and it wasn't cheap about £50) and it wasn't even looked at. I came away from the course feeling very very disillusioned with the system, the college, the whole process.

My classes being forced out of the college was a godsend teaching at home has proved so much more rewarding, relaxing and enjoyable - and the students like it too or they wouldn't keep coming let alone recommending them.
Nicky in Suffolk

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