I have just finished reading Janine Montupet's second novel about lacemakers/lacemaking. (Montupet, Janine. 'Judith-Rose; la dentelliere d'Alencon'. Paris: Laffont, c1987.) At the end of the book, it says 'Le lecteur pourra s'il le desire retrouver Judith-Rose et les siens dans le troisieme volume de cette trilogie a paraitre prochainement.' Does anyone know if this third volume was published, and if so, the title, publisher, etc.?

P.S. I apologize about the lack of accents, I left them out so that the message will be clear to Archneans with unilingual computers.
P.P.S. The first volume, 'La dentelliere d'Alencon' was translated into English as 'The Lacemaker'. I don't think 'Judith-Rose' was translated.

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada

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