On Mar 17, 2005, at 13:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

May I propose a new subject? "Favorite Lace Convention Memory!"

Two, both similiar:

1) Hasbrouck Heights, IOLI '03.
Came back from the tour of Metropolitan, dead-tired (I thought <g>), having spent most of the day on my feet, trying to see as much as possible (never likely to go to NY again, make the best of it), totally overloaded with lace images... Thought of getting some supper, but was too tired to be hungry. So went into the classroom instead (we were in a suite, not a "proper" conference room, and Ulrike was permitted to keep the key to it. Which she then passed on to a responsible early riser, who'd open it, and who passed it on to a respnsible night owl to lock up. The night owl would then deliver it back to the early riser. We had access to the classroom about 14 hrs a day; heaven <g>), to see if a change of "mental paths" would help. Which it did, in spades. I got there around 6PM, there were only 3 of us in the room, and I got "into the zone"... I made lace, and I made lace, and I escaped only at 9:30 or thereabouts, so as not to be tagged as the "responsible night owl"... And things half-learnt in the previous two days "gelled", and Thursday morning was (almost) plain sailing...

2) Prague, OIDFA '04.
Working palms up, on a bolster pillow (a totally new experience for me), had been *impossible* for the first 3 days; even though the patterns weren't difficult, the lace looked like dog's dinner. But I came up to a pattern which I really liked... And there was only one day of class left... So, I broke my self-imposed rule (no homework; once out of the classroom, use your brain for something else), and took the pillow to my dorm room (the classrooms were locked the moment the class was over), to see if I could beat the whole into submission :) My roommate was out, and there was nobody to look askance at my experimenting with different props/positions. Finally, after almost an hour, I found the ideal place to put the pillow so that my hands were where they needed to be, without any stress (much lower, BTW, than what I'd *seen* about how those pillows are used ordinarily)... Spent the next two hours enjoying the process for the first time in 3 days, and producing some decent-looking lace. Next day, back in the classroom, I knew exactly what the relationship between the pillow and myself ought to be, and didn't even mind looking like a village idiot while arranging the necessary seating/propping with whatever was available. Continued to produce very nice lace (even the teacher, who was beginning to lose all patience with me, was complimentary <g>)... Though I must say that sitting on a - rather narrow - arm of an armchair, with legs essentially dangling above the floor *did* feel a tad painful after a while :)

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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