I don't know about books, but I always end my bookmarks by
1)      work the last pinhole
2)      set aside the weavers from both sides, lift all the other
bobbins in one hand, cross the weavers. Lay the rest of the bobbins down
and tie a reef knot with the weavers.
Then I do one of the following (after doing a bit of untangling if the
bobbins look very messy - how much depends on how eager I am to start
the next project!)
a)      Split the bobbins into 3 more or less even groups and make a
plait with the threads
b)      take one of the weaver pairs and use it to make buttonhole
stitches (or half hitches) round the rest of the threads for as long as
makes a decent tassle or you get totally fed up! I use a fine crochet
hook for this
c)      continue taking the two weaver pairs and crossing behind the
rest of the threads, while knotting in the front. This makes a criss
cross braid.

With each of these when I get to the end I take all the threads and tie
a single knot in the bunch before cutting off. 

If you give a short time I'll put an example of each on webshots


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 17 March 2005 13:54
To: lace@arachne.com
Subject: [lace] Bookmark "tails"

My favorite project is bookmarks..but I have problems with the ends. My
braids just don't come out right! Any suggestions on books that give
directions on making nice braids and tassels. 
Christina in VA

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