With all my proselytizing about going to see the exhibit at BMA, I
completely forgot one of the most wonderful things that I attended Saturday.

Ilske Thompson's talk on Lace in Fashion was a wonderful hour long history
of lace in fashion, limited to bobbin and needle lace.  She graced us with
detail and used slides not only of lace, but of portraits through the ages,
and where possible, integrated portraits owned and displayed by the BMA.  If
my memory is correct, did you know that bobbin lace was for summer wear and
needle lace was for winter wear?  I certainly didn't.  She was humorous in
just the right amounts and drew the audience in with her excellent slides
which illustrated what seemed like every other word.  I've never seen so
many slides in an hour!  My head was spinning.  And I loved every minute of
it.  Nancy Pye, who sat next to me, took notes, which I should have done as
well.  And by hour-long I mean, she spoke for pretty near every minute of
the hour allotted.

And Lacers...there was about 150 people attending.  150!  I counted the
front 1/3 of the auditorium and got 49.  What a splendid turn-out!  I think
that's more than at Ithaca Lace Days pulls in...amazing

Unfortunately, Ilske won't be speaking every day, but the lace will be
there, which should be some comfort.

There was a reception as well, that I barely attended because I wanted to go
sneak a peak at the wares of the vendors, and good thing too, because they
were packing up.

Lace in Peace,

Laurie J Hughes
Metro Boston, Massachusetts
Bobbin lace, social history, gardening
"When I grow up I want to be a housewife."

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