Please avoid AFL at all costs!! In Australia, it means Australian Football 
and you wouldn't want to be mistaken for *that* lot, would you? Just imagine the
kind of people you could get if they surfed the Internet for AFL and came up 
your site as an answer....

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne, who is not an AFL fan!

Subject: [lace] American Federation of Lace

I have to say that many of the initials being proposed for a new name run  
the risk of sounding a great deal like the AFL. In the US the AFL is the  
American Federation of Labor where Jimmy Hoffa would feel very comfortable  
if he were not buried under the New Jersey Meadowlands Arena. 
Consequently I think the American Federation of Lace should be avoided lest  
we be mistaken for unionized lace workers. I kind of like the Lace Union or 
even  Lace United. I always thought Manchester United was a very strong name 
implying  a singularity of purpose. Maybe the Lace Alliance?

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