good morning Lace chatters

I feel that at last Prince Charles has married the woman he has always
loved.  If the powers that dictate what the royals can do and not do had
let him marry her in the first place 35 years ago there would not have been
any Princess Diana and much heartache would have been spared.  The same is
true for Princess Margaret - had she been allowed to marry the man she
loved perhaps she would have lead a much happier life and still be alive

Prince Charles will now have a companion who will be at his side and back
him - you will see a more relaxed and confident man and this will enhance
the work that he is already doing for this Country.

Unfortunately with Princess Diana the media made it a beauty competition
between Prince Charles and her.  Princess Diana did not stop this so she
was never a real support as one would expect a spouse to be. The whole
episode should never have happened and then many lives that were made to
suffer would not.

The royal family do a great job and I would not like it for all the money
they may have.  

However, it is time to let Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla get on with
the job in hand.  It is about time that  all the sniping stopped.

Hope you all have a good lace making day.
Kind Regards


From: Diana Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 08:21:49 +0100
Subject: [lace] The Duchess of Cornwall

I do not subscribe to Lace Chat but there are some Brits on Arachne who
object to the new Duchess of Cornwall being referred to as a breed of dog.
I've not read in any newspapers any criticism of the outfits worn by Camilla
and in my personal opinion she looked beautiful.
I hope they enjoy a long and happy life together and that people will just
give Camilla a chance. Nothing can change the past we can only learn and
move on 'what can't be cured must be endured' as the saying goes.
Diana in Northamptonshire

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