On Mar 30, 2005, at 19:19, Clay Blackwell wrote:

On the BOOKS issue, however, I have not yet reached the
saturation point. When I devoted a spare room in my house to my
"office/lace room", I put in a large bookcase. It housed all of my
professional books, and a couple of shelves of lace books. As time went
by, [...]

Oh my, do I "relate"... :) When I talked DH into enclosing the side porch for a music room, I had 3 of its walls lined with bookshelves. The original agreement was that DH could display as many of his prints as the *remaining* walls permitted (and the purse allowed us to frame), and that the books which lived in that part of the house would be: music books (Danek's and Severn's), my collection of fairy tales (and critical works on the same), the few (one shelf) of my craft books/magazines, and some of my miniature (dollhouse scale) work. That was in '75, long Before Lace...

Since then, Danek's left home (so his music books can be packed into a box, if need be; we're *one iota* from that decision <g>). My collection of fairy tales has not been added to in 20 yrs, so *that* can be packed too, if necessary. The miniatures will stay the longest - they're pretty, even if all they do is gather dust (and they've been culled out some, when one of my step-granddaughters expressed a desire for a dollhouse).

But the lace book collection.. It grows, and it grows, and it grows... Unlike Clay, I've not been able to part with any of them, even the ones I think were a mistake. Because, like a true pack-rat, I can't help but think that one day's mistake might turn out to be another day's revelation... :)

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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