...when I got a text message "Just thought you should know that your name is
in Piecework's new issue."


But it's true, on page 7, I'm listed as membership chair of I.O.L.I. with my
name and address.  But wait...there's more!

In the next issue section I read and find out that the next issue is
COMPLETELY lace. So of course, I immediately subscribed...right then and

Coming in the July/August 2005 Issue
of PieceWork Magazine
On Sale July 5, 2005!
Special Issue: The Intrigue, Mystery, and Beauty of Lace!
-Learn how to make a bobbin lace bookmark
-Knitted lace from Estonia, including complete instructions for knitting
your own Estonian lace shawl
-Discover the Imperial Laces in the collection of the Napoleonic Museum in
-Irish Crochet in France
-Tina: The Little Lace-maker, a dime novel from the 1880s
-Create a lace patchwork jewelry roll

 See it for yourself.

I hear from a little bird that Cindy Tiger of the Rocky Mountain Lace Guild
has been working closely with Interweave Press (the owners of Piecework) on
this issue.  I think she deserves a round of applause.  All Hail , Cindy!

And I think we need to start taking orders from overseas for how many
Pieceworks I need to pick up in July...send me an email if you want one.

Lace in Peace,

Laurie J Hughes
Metro Boston, Massachusetts

Bobbin lace, social history, gardening
"When I grow up I want to be a housewife."

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