In a message dated 26/05/2005 00:26:57 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> i appreciate this very much.  i am sure i can make enough of them to start 
> a small project in tatting this way.  
Hi Suzi, how are you <VBG>

You only need one shuttle to start to tat!  Eventually when you are doing 
fancy stuff you might want 2 or even 4.  I don't think that before you can tat, 
and have used many different styles of shuttles that it would be easy to make a 
good one anyway, because you wouldn't have the *feel* for what you are trying 
to make.  The size, shape and feel of each shuttle makes a great difference 
to how easy you find them to use and what one person loves will be nearly 
impossible for another to use at all.

I don't know what price they are in the States but here they start at a 
little over 1GBP so $3 perhaps.  Put that against the cost of materials, tools 
your time trying to make one.  One of the least expensive (GBP3) has a centre 
spool (where the thread goes) that pops in and out.  It is very like a sewing 
machine bobbin.  You can get extra ones of these and therefore use the same 
shuttle for more than one project without rewinding the thread.

As for needle tatting, you don't need special tatting needles to do it, any 
long straight needle with an eye much the same size as the rest of the needle 
will work.  Doll needles are good and can be much more easily and cheaply found 
in craft shops - I suspect they are the same needles in different packaging 
as it's unlikely any company would make needles just for tatting.   

But please be aware that although the finished result is very similar, needle 
tatting is a completely different technique to shuttle tatting.  With shuttle 
tatting the knot is transferred from one thread to the other and it is the 
knack of doing this that some people have trouble with.  In contrast, with 
needle tatting the 'knots' are placed onto the needle and then the thread in 
needle's eye is pulled through them.  The more advanced techniques (I believe I 
am right in saying this) can only be done with shuttle tatting. 

Jacquie in Lincolnshire, England

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