Dora wrote, 

> > I'm thinking, my knapsack is jsut about large
> > enough for bicycle tools and rain gear....   LOL!

To which Tamara responded,
> And I hope you never have bombs rain on you, so you can keep on 
> laughing out loud for many years to come.

But what Tamara did NOT include in her response was a very important
sentence in Dora's note...

>Honestly, I read this expecting to see people carrying a personal emergency
kit in case of terrorism! < (which was followed by the description of her

So I believe that we can safely assume that Dora was laughing at her own
mistaken understanding of the personal emergency kit, and NOT at the
horrible experiences everyone even remotely connected to the latest acts of
terrorism have endured.  It is good to laugh at your own mistakes.  I don't
know Dora, but I expect she has been stung by the words which suggest that
she is a simpleton who laughs at tragedy.  In times of immense stress, many
people need to laugh to maintain their emotional equilibrium.  Dora was
laughing at HERSELF folks.  Let's not be so hard on her!!

Clay Blackwell

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