A cartoonist/artist friend of mine is going to draw a long story about
Shrewsbury, UK, so he'd like to know more about bobbin lace.

Does someone remember which website has a picture of moving bobbins on it?

Does anyone have pictures (preferably moving pictures so he can get the gist
of the movements) of someone engaged in actual bobbin lacemaking?

What kind of lace would have been made in Shrewsbury, from Tudor times to
the present?

Would they be using those huge round bolsters with the pillow horse?  Anyone
know where there's a couple good pictures of those?

I'm sure I could answer this on my own, but not if I'm going to get ready
for the I.O.L.I. Convention, thanks for your help everyone!


PS: He's copied on this message.

Laurie J Hughes
Metro Boston, Massachusetts

Bobbin lace, social history, gardening
"When I grow up I want to be a housewife."

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