Hi Dagmar,

First of all - congratulations!  May you both have long and happy lives
together!    And fancy being able to combine a honeymoon trip with an
evening at the Convention - how clever you are ...

About the lack of pieces in the competition.   I didn't visit the
convention, so I don't know about any of the other lace-makers, but I am
very rarely able to put a piece into local (even not-so-local) competitions.
Along with other teachers of both bobbin lace and fine handicrafts, I am
kept reasonably busy a lot of the time, designing the patterns for the
pupils, making them up to make sure they work and don't have any hidden
traps for the unwary, so I don't make an awful lot of lace for my own
enjoyment.   And usually, whatever lace I make seems to be outside the scope
of whatever competition we hold - you can bet that what I have done or am
doing is not what is wanted for the competition!    In the UK, we generally
only know what the competition is when we apply for the tickets - usually a
couple of months in advance, so that sometimes isn't time enough to find the
right pattern, and get the lace completed.

There is also the other excuse - sheer inertia!   Or thinking that whatever
we have won't be good enough.   Or even not being able to find the wretched
piece, because we have put it away (too) safely ...

Carol - in Suffolk UK.

> I couldn't possibly justify going to the entire convention and so I at
least persuaded my newly-wed husband, that Colorado is the perfect place for
> Is 25 pieces in the competition a lot? and how come if there is so many
IOLI members there weren't more lacemakers willing to compete??

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