Tamara wrote:   Buyers beware indeed! *Please* be very, very careful when
internet/catalogue shopping, and compare the prices of what might be
available to you locally first,

And I would add - don't forget to shop around locally too. We have a specialist Needlework shop that does carry some unusual threads. I had picked up some blending threads at Michaels, along with a load of embroidery thread. Now I know that Michaels prices for DMC embroidery thread are hard to beat and are much cheaper than the needlework shop. A couple of the Krenik threads I wanted weren't available at Michaels, so I went to the other shop on the way home and found that the Krenik threads were 75c cheaper. I bought the ones I needed and then drove back to Michaels and asked them if they wanted to take back the 7 reels of Krenik thread I had bought, or did they want to meet the price. They gave me the lower price, but I haven't bought any more Krenik thread from them!

Malvary in Ottawa
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